In light of previous findings on the durability of priming, is it possible that priming is actually invulnerable to decay over time? More than 17 years ago-having found priming to be undiminished after an interval of 6 weeks-Brown and I wrote that “perhaps some residual effect of naming a picture persists indefinitely” ( Mitchell & Brown, 1988, p. Thus, picture-fragment identification-an unequivocally perceptual implicit task ( Roediger & McDermott, 1993)-was employed in the present study. Priming in perceptual tasks is theorized to be mediated by a perceptual representation system ( Tulving & Schacter, 1990), and priming that is mediated by this system appears to be less affected by long retention intervals than is priming based on conceptual processes ( Roediger & Geraci, 2005). In contrast, conceptual processes are at work when semantic features overlap between study and test (e.g., animals as a test cue for aardvark in category-exemplar generation). Thus, priming in perceptual tasks is facilitated by physical similarity, and can be diminished or even eliminated by physical changes between study and test. Theoretically, perceptual processes are engaged when there is an overlap of physical features between a target and a test cue (e.g., aardvark– aa_ d_ a_ k in word-fragment completion). Mitchell sums this up well and sets the stage for his experiment: Other times implicit memory, as in the logo and song examples above, will be for some perceptual experience. Often a vague feeling of knowing will accompany our reasoning about an idea this would be conceptual implicit memory. We have implicit memory for differing types of material. This form of memory is spared after damage to the hippocampus, so anterograde amnesics typically have fully functional implicit memory. A short description is memory without awareness. Often we’ll realize that something had an effect on our behavior (Why am I humming White Christmas?) and we have no conscious (or explicit) recollection of how such a behavioral consequence might have occured (Muzak in the mall, maybe?). Implicit memory is a form of memory not necessarily accompanied by a conscious experience of the memory act. This experience reminded me of a recently published article by Mitchell (November, 2006, “ Nonconscious Priming After 17 Years: Invulnerable Implicit Memory?“ in Psychological Science). I was 10 years old in 1973 (the show ended in January, 1974 – I had to look that up), trying to catch a bit of what my older sisters were watching.

The vividness with which the logo and bits and pieces of the show (that damn title song) burst into my mind was impressive. I said to myself – that’s just like the logo of Love, American Style! It looked like a plastic pillow inflated version of this: Then late last night, I discovered one of the tags from the purchase on her dresser, and I stopped immediately in my tracks. I’ve searched the web in vain for a picture…and finally found one! It’s long-sleeved, white, with colored letters on the front to the effect of “Tickle Me, Hug Me” etc., and a picture of Elmo below.

My wife bought a vintagey shirt the other day.